Friday, July 18, 2014

yea yea

I believe everyone needs to try paintball one time in their life.

That is what I believe. Every person that has met me and held a decent conversation will see at some point paintball arrive in our topics. Normally I bring it up but there have been a number of occasions where someone else has brought it up. Just knowing the sport is one thing. Knowing what all is behind it is a completely different story. I had dug so deep into it that it is hard to look at it the same way a new player does. Having taken multiple groups out for their first times I have some aspect of their ideas of the game and what they are expecting. Seems so funny to not give them all the details and let them figure it out on their own within the very first game. Seeing joy well up in them after they continue to play is what I love. I can not think of another way to spend a warm summer day. Joy of others as well as the constant competitiveness of it all. They mouth the whole time between games but soon as they are done it is a field of friends. Friends that can either stay with you for a long while or ones for just that day. Either way a friend on or off the field is what any person should want for.

I personally think that all people need to try it. Just a simple thing. If it costs around twenty dollars a person to play how is it not many have played. Yes the fact that it is a small ball flying towards you is something completely different then if you think about it in the full aspect of the game. As I said the way I look at it is completely different from the way new people do. If only I could find a way to make it where all people can look about the same way at it.

Believing paintball is an event that all should try once at least seems like a very selfish credo. So wording it a little better to show it in a "belief" manner I guess I could reword it. I believe paintball in its whole is a sport that all should try due to its overall benefits. Or maybe we can say it is an amazing game that I think you need to do.  Seems there is no full way to actually express it without it seeming selfish. Given factors that influence the stated may make it easier to see as a credo.

The availability of friends to do a game with you is all the better. Though this is not the given fact needed. Anything done with friends is fun to begin with, in most cases. The ability to rapidly create friends in the rapid changing game. That is the fact we strive for and I speak on. Moving forward we still see friends make it all the better, but the memories we develop make it sore above all else. Emotions pinned to an event repeating within the mind through vivid imagination years later, yes. Taking from here we adjust to the physical aspects of the game. It can be done by all but on a full scale can become an amazing physical work out.

Having taken many people out to play the game for the first time I have seen them all change their view of it in a remarkable way. They adjust every second. Fear starting at the whistle to screaming for everyone to get on the field and start the next game. The people change in their personalities rapidly as they begin to adjust to others and gain friends with people that were complete strangers moments ago. Strangely the concept of a small ball flying at a person from an unknown area makes them want to befriend that person? Presuming they will not do it again next game. Sadly they do, but no hard feelings are shown. There is laughter and joy showed instead after rush of the game and loosing go away. I believe that seeing all the people play together adapt a common ground to develop possibly lasting relationships. Just seeing this happen reminds us of our previous times.

Times having pasted way away in a far part of our mind it comes back. All the people speak of the day, its events, and of course the bruises. These people playing now know the joy as all the people deep into the game know. Having been deep into the game I know the feelings they are beginning to enjoy. I have so many memories of games and people it is surprisingly a very long conversation to start with me. Hours of talks and actual intellectual discussions has happened with many another players just as in depth as I. The math comes to the surface. Yes math, even memories of math and trig taught to you through basic schooling can be seen in actions and future topics of paintballers. They all show their memories at every second of being on the field. Mistakes are taught thru pain and further improvements and memories are thru constant actions of positive reinforcement. Reinforcing comes in more then just the memories.

The bodily aspects shown from players is a whole new topic. You can see the true players or the recreational ones. Saying this I mean no disrespect to either party. I am just showing there is a difference and it should be obvious. The constant playing of people deep prove to show a much better physical body in many aspects. Reaction times, speed, reflexes, stamina, breathing control. The list goes on. The best comparison is an athlete for a normal sport. Though I understand not everyone will be to this standard. Hopes of having a person play one time and fall in love as I believe in is where I am talking. The ones that continue to return are the ones that begin to gain physical change as well as positive outlook on memories, and the gaining of social benefits. Constant play shows a large amount of dedication and will pay off physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially.

Just seeing these final words prove that paintball can be a great aspect for any person. It being cheap just to rent a gun and go play for the overall health benefits are immense. I believe that all people should try paintball at least once. With this I am sure they will improve by gaining friends, gain remarkable memories, and get a good work out. Even if it is only once it will change the overall social view of the game and allow others to easily choose to try it themselves.

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