Friday, July 18, 2014


If there were to be a zombie apocalypse what would you do? This seems to be just science fiction but is actual a common topic among many people around the world. A huge incident a few years back in Miami made everyone rethink their concept of zombies. Even persons at Harvard Medical are in the middle of it all with studies.

With it being such a common part of American way of life why is it weird to ask the question? There should be no wrong to asking the question. It should kind of be like a second nature topic. Though it is still someone far fetch it can still be relevant. The person asking does not need to be labeled as weird or crazy. They can just be labeled as thinking outside of the common norm.

That thinking could easily help many people in the future. It may be something else before zombies. It may be a huge disaster. Well that one guy you thought was weird because he stocked up supplies and did survival training will be the one to help you. He might be the one after a hurricane to have food in a few miles. He may be the only one with drinkable water or the ability to start a fire.

The facts stand that those people are not counted as normal and just prepared but as crazy and weird. They are not seen as part of the norm just because they want to be prepared. Well seeing it from the military point of view it shows the prepared are the better suited. They are the ones that survive and thrive.

So try and rethink your concept of these people. Give them the chance.

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