Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Horror of Sleep

There seems to be such a pain and horror in just waking up to a bad morning for work. Waking up and not wanting to even get out of bed at all. Yea those days, that is what I am talking about. Why do we wake up in these moods?

Literally waking up and just hating everything. They call it "waking up on the wrong side of the bed." Who can literally say they woke up and rolled out of bed thinking "wow, this is totally not the right side of the bed for me." Come on. I have never thought that. Maybe I have had a lack of sense still waking up and not understanding why I was upside down in my bed. Yet never have I woke up thinking it was the wrong side completely.

You wake up, you go to sleep it is the same bed either way. So why is it they claim their bad day is from waking up on the wrong side? I swear it sets me off when they say that to me. Just ridiculous. Maybe it could be I stubbed my toe hard as could be with the toy my daughter left out last night on the floor. Maybe I ran into the bathroom door because I thought It was open already. There are so many other things I could add to this list as excuses as to why it would be a bad day rather then just waking up.

Just an instant grouch comes out when people say that phrase. I do hope that I am not the only one. Just seems that is the first thing they all go back to when they mention something. Never oh hey, having bad morning because of "blank." Just annoys me to no end as you can already tell.

Weird though how that same feeling can just continue all day long. Just everything keeps going wrong after someone says that. Coffee spills, papers fly off your desk, and you forget your work laptop at home. They just seem to all go together. Very next day it is all perfect again and dandy. Is this some cruel ploy put on by karma in the universe? Just a way to balance everything?

If it is then I really hate karma on some days.

Thank you for listening to my rant. 

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