Friday, July 18, 2014


If there were to be a zombie apocalypse what would you do? This seems to be just science fiction but is actual a common topic among many people around the world. A huge incident a few years back in Miami made everyone rethink their concept of zombies. Even persons at Harvard Medical are in the middle of it all with studies.

With it being such a common part of American way of life why is it weird to ask the question? There should be no wrong to asking the question. It should kind of be like a second nature topic. Though it is still someone far fetch it can still be relevant. The person asking does not need to be labeled as weird or crazy. They can just be labeled as thinking outside of the common norm.

That thinking could easily help many people in the future. It may be something else before zombies. It may be a huge disaster. Well that one guy you thought was weird because he stocked up supplies and did survival training will be the one to help you. He might be the one after a hurricane to have food in a few miles. He may be the only one with drinkable water or the ability to start a fire.

The facts stand that those people are not counted as normal and just prepared but as crazy and weird. They are not seen as part of the norm just because they want to be prepared. Well seeing it from the military point of view it shows the prepared are the better suited. They are the ones that survive and thrive.

So try and rethink your concept of these people. Give them the chance.

The End

There is always that question about "if it is your last day on Earth what would you do?" Or "it is the last day of the Earth, what will you do?" I am sure that not many people would all think of the same answer to this. Many would say go to Church, others to a bar, and then the odds and end stuff.

I know I would stop by at the Church before I head off to do my odd end stuff. There would be a little bit of videogame  play for starters. I would chill for a little bit with all my buddies from around the world as we yelled at the screen messing each other up. If it is the end I would like some laughter and joy first. Then we can move onto a huge chunk of the day with the family. All of us can get together.

We would most likely go and start a big huge bonfire with a bbq. The smell of ribs filling the air as we try and get enough on the giant grill of ours. The kids running around screaming with squirt guns after each other. There are so many things we could do at that family event. I of course would hug and hold my little daughter.

Coming down to the end of the day me and the wife would lay out daughter down. Read a small story to her before she goes out. Finally a little bit of cuddle time between the wife, dog, and I. Hopefully the end of the world will not be insane and can just disappear as we all fall into a deep sleep. Joyful thoughts before it ends.


I have been told today that I do not need so much Monster. Why can I not drink them? Well apparently they are completely horrible for me and I should never touch them. Seems a little weird when the person telling me this is standing in front of my desk with a Redbull in their hands. Come on, I do not see a set of wings growing out on your back like they claim. I do however see a set of horse growing out of a person who has not had their Monster yet that day.

Saying this you might agree. Some people get so utterly angry when they do not have caffeine in them. Those are the ones that are all kinds of addicted to it. They may drink Redbull, Monster, Amp, or Rockstar. That means nothing in the final end of the addiction to the rush produced by the ingredients. True some affect others in different ways then yourself, but they are still an affect.

They all come down to a lot of the same ingredients when you look at them closely. Taurine, guarana extract, and ginseng extract are just a few of the common main ingredients. They get posted all over most cans when they are in them. Monster even puts them in big green letters around the top of the can. So why is it that one person can say another is way better then another. It is all a personal opinion, not really facts. Facts can be backed where as opinions can not.

Apps Away

We all live with some form of cell phone on us in this modern day. At least most Americans do. There will always be those select few that do not. At times I wish I were them. Cell phones go off nonstop with game requests from people.

Either the game is sending messages to you, or you have Facebook linked to your cell phone and the game requests ping on there. So many times I have heard people complain about the requests. Or the even better ones is when someone tells everyone on Facebook that they will strangle the next person that sends them a dumb game request. I know no one will do that but still it is insane.

Then you get all the competition between those people that do play the games and want to be the best out of all their friends. Just dollar after dollar until are sent into the game until you look into your accounts and go "WOW!" The money can fly out of your pocket so fast. A prime example is that guy on the internet that spent over five hundred dollars on Candy Crush. Come on now. Who would allow themselves to spend that much on a game?

Seems like I am ranting, but there are valid points behind all this. I have played some of these games. They are made to almost be completely unbeatable unless you spend that money in the real world to win it. They want the money you make to compensate for their free app. It is not a free app if it is set up that way. They can easily make their money back in a matter of seconds with how people buy items on their games.

Crazy Drive

Totally found out that no one should ever try and drive out of Alaska in the winter time. Yes I said winter and yes I said no one else should do it. That was on of the scariest times of my life. I have jumped out towers, down buildings, out helicopters, but this one takes the cake.

You watch all the shows saying Alaska is the wild. That is so very true in certain places. Those ice road truckers are part of that insanity. Twice on my drive out they almost drove me off a cliff. Then another one almost made me crash into a herd of caribou. Scariest moment while in Alaska was that one.

I was in my truck driving down the road on seven inches of ice in two-wheel drive. Out of my rear view mirror I see a big truck flying at me and my buddy in his small car behind me. Course the first thought in my mind was "oh no he isn't." I mean I was tarring at a herd crossing the road. He just gets closer and closer until finally he zooms past us. Slowing down I put on my four ways, lights on high, and slow way down. He whites us both out. Just for an idea on his speed, I was going sixty-five before he passed. Luckily the herd had crossed just before he ran into them. Still so scary.

Then you look a little further into the trip. We left lunch in a small town after filling up both our tanks. Yea well, we had no idea the drive we were about to start through Canada was going to be pitch black, torn up roads, no signal for nine hours, and raining. Yea ice and rain do not mix well at high speeds like what we were doing. Add in some moose out of no where and you have our trip. Slamming on the breaks at seventy miles per hour and in a heavy rain on ice do not mix well. A cow and the bull were just standing in the road watching us drive towards them.

So again I say DO NOT DRIVE out of Alaska in the winter time.

Here and There

So many times I have gone on vacation. There is no words to truly describe some vacations. I am sure others can agree with me on this. Time and time again they all look back on their vacations with either joy or sorrow.

It happens so often. There are so many times I have gotten mad during a vacation. Just wanting to strangle the little siblings. Fights nonstop with parents or the annoying sister. I watched Mulan the entire drive out to California. That I can say was one of my worst car ride ever. Of course then mom was sick half the time too.

Yea, there is another part. The constant road sickness people have with their trips. Sounds bad to think a trip went bad because someone kept throwing up. Sure it means there are a lot of stops and cleaning, but does not mean it is ruined. Just move on it with it all. Help them out and move on. There will be better memories once you reach the destination later.

See where I say there are times we just have sorrow in our vacations. Of course then when you go back home you get to talk all about it and be all happy. The pictures of joy, laughter, and smiles. No matter the experiences getting there there are almost always better memories brought forth from the vacation's destination.

yea yea

I believe everyone needs to try paintball one time in their life.

That is what I believe. Every person that has met me and held a decent conversation will see at some point paintball arrive in our topics. Normally I bring it up but there have been a number of occasions where someone else has brought it up. Just knowing the sport is one thing. Knowing what all is behind it is a completely different story. I had dug so deep into it that it is hard to look at it the same way a new player does. Having taken multiple groups out for their first times I have some aspect of their ideas of the game and what they are expecting. Seems so funny to not give them all the details and let them figure it out on their own within the very first game. Seeing joy well up in them after they continue to play is what I love. I can not think of another way to spend a warm summer day. Joy of others as well as the constant competitiveness of it all. They mouth the whole time between games but soon as they are done it is a field of friends. Friends that can either stay with you for a long while or ones for just that day. Either way a friend on or off the field is what any person should want for.

I personally think that all people need to try it. Just a simple thing. If it costs around twenty dollars a person to play how is it not many have played. Yes the fact that it is a small ball flying towards you is something completely different then if you think about it in the full aspect of the game. As I said the way I look at it is completely different from the way new people do. If only I could find a way to make it where all people can look about the same way at it.

Believing paintball is an event that all should try once at least seems like a very selfish credo. So wording it a little better to show it in a "belief" manner I guess I could reword it. I believe paintball in its whole is a sport that all should try due to its overall benefits. Or maybe we can say it is an amazing game that I think you need to do.  Seems there is no full way to actually express it without it seeming selfish. Given factors that influence the stated may make it easier to see as a credo.

The availability of friends to do a game with you is all the better. Though this is not the given fact needed. Anything done with friends is fun to begin with, in most cases. The ability to rapidly create friends in the rapid changing game. That is the fact we strive for and I speak on. Moving forward we still see friends make it all the better, but the memories we develop make it sore above all else. Emotions pinned to an event repeating within the mind through vivid imagination years later, yes. Taking from here we adjust to the physical aspects of the game. It can be done by all but on a full scale can become an amazing physical work out.

Having taken many people out to play the game for the first time I have seen them all change their view of it in a remarkable way. They adjust every second. Fear starting at the whistle to screaming for everyone to get on the field and start the next game. The people change in their personalities rapidly as they begin to adjust to others and gain friends with people that were complete strangers moments ago. Strangely the concept of a small ball flying at a person from an unknown area makes them want to befriend that person? Presuming they will not do it again next game. Sadly they do, but no hard feelings are shown. There is laughter and joy showed instead after rush of the game and loosing go away. I believe that seeing all the people play together adapt a common ground to develop possibly lasting relationships. Just seeing this happen reminds us of our previous times.

Times having pasted way away in a far part of our mind it comes back. All the people speak of the day, its events, and of course the bruises. These people playing now know the joy as all the people deep into the game know. Having been deep into the game I know the feelings they are beginning to enjoy. I have so many memories of games and people it is surprisingly a very long conversation to start with me. Hours of talks and actual intellectual discussions has happened with many another players just as in depth as I. The math comes to the surface. Yes math, even memories of math and trig taught to you through basic schooling can be seen in actions and future topics of paintballers. They all show their memories at every second of being on the field. Mistakes are taught thru pain and further improvements and memories are thru constant actions of positive reinforcement. Reinforcing comes in more then just the memories.

The bodily aspects shown from players is a whole new topic. You can see the true players or the recreational ones. Saying this I mean no disrespect to either party. I am just showing there is a difference and it should be obvious. The constant playing of people deep prove to show a much better physical body in many aspects. Reaction times, speed, reflexes, stamina, breathing control. The list goes on. The best comparison is an athlete for a normal sport. Though I understand not everyone will be to this standard. Hopes of having a person play one time and fall in love as I believe in is where I am talking. The ones that continue to return are the ones that begin to gain physical change as well as positive outlook on memories, and the gaining of social benefits. Constant play shows a large amount of dedication and will pay off physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially.

Just seeing these final words prove that paintball can be a great aspect for any person. It being cheap just to rent a gun and go play for the overall health benefits are immense. I believe that all people should try paintball at least once. With this I am sure they will improve by gaining friends, gain remarkable memories, and get a good work out. Even if it is only once it will change the overall social view of the game and allow others to easily choose to try it themselves.


There were a number of times that I looked at the words I was typing to think if maybe this stuff was to personal to discuss. The conclusion was that it was not, but it did show a general view of a few aspects of my daily life, ideals, and thought patterns in what I hope to be a fluent writing. Lacking still in some aspects as far as grammar I can say now that this has helped me to an extent.

Grammar has always been a difficulty of mine. Having never had full instruction on it, as I have stated in board discussions, it was difficult for me to adjust. Even harder so was adjusting while on an all online class after being out of school for a few years. Of course this can be seen easily from the very beginning of this class. Some of my wordings have adjusted to better suit situations as well as the context of my writing. There has been a better variety of sentence structures now then was at the start.

Thankfully the free writing of the blogs did allow me to look at some of my thoughts in a more abstract view. Writings being sent out over the web for all to see means there is a likely chance someone with try and adjust your writing patters. They could be encouraging remarks or stating your problem in writing. Such a thing happened during my essay on the latter.

Being told my essay had a lack of fluid motion within it creating a harder understanding of my writing was an eye opener. Simple non-harmful wording such as that made by a fellow classmate made me go back and readjust my train of thought on the edit process. When writing the piece originally I thought it flowed, turned out I was wrong. Thankfully she pointed this out prior to me doing my final edit for turn in.

In final conclusion I believe the works of the blog were good in the abstract view. An open area for ideas to be expressed while containing it in a structured set of rules was a good idea. Open areas for reading it for anyone and all to see, not just your class, made it more worth the while so see who all might decide to peek in on your writing.

This was a good concept with careful planning and execution done by the teacher in a well structured class.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Horror of Sleep

There seems to be such a pain and horror in just waking up to a bad morning for work. Waking up and not wanting to even get out of bed at all. Yea those days, that is what I am talking about. Why do we wake up in these moods?

Literally waking up and just hating everything. They call it "waking up on the wrong side of the bed." Who can literally say they woke up and rolled out of bed thinking "wow, this is totally not the right side of the bed for me." Come on. I have never thought that. Maybe I have had a lack of sense still waking up and not understanding why I was upside down in my bed. Yet never have I woke up thinking it was the wrong side completely.

You wake up, you go to sleep it is the same bed either way. So why is it they claim their bad day is from waking up on the wrong side? I swear it sets me off when they say that to me. Just ridiculous. Maybe it could be I stubbed my toe hard as could be with the toy my daughter left out last night on the floor. Maybe I ran into the bathroom door because I thought It was open already. There are so many other things I could add to this list as excuses as to why it would be a bad day rather then just waking up.

Just an instant grouch comes out when people say that phrase. I do hope that I am not the only one. Just seems that is the first thing they all go back to when they mention something. Never oh hey, having bad morning because of "blank." Just annoys me to no end as you can already tell.

Weird though how that same feeling can just continue all day long. Just everything keeps going wrong after someone says that. Coffee spills, papers fly off your desk, and you forget your work laptop at home. They just seem to all go together. Very next day it is all perfect again and dandy. Is this some cruel ploy put on by karma in the universe? Just a way to balance everything?

If it is then I really hate karma on some days.

Thank you for listening to my rant. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Is it just me?

Is it just me that seems to feel that if anything can go wrong it all seems to happen within the same week? Even the same day at times it seems. It can be amazing one day and then the next it is insane to no end. Just wanting to end the day and sleep hoping tomorrow will be better. Well seems that is my week.

I will spare you all the details but it was annoying for a day. The machines break the operators mess up and do the wrong parts on the wrong programs.  I mean if it could go wrong it did. Did not help at all that the shop owner was there looking around for the day due to the police coming in earlier. Yes the police were in there earlier. guess there had been a report put in that morning due to stolen metal from the shop. Yea metal that we needed to cut, mold, and paint to be shipped by the end of that day.

Just insane. Again, is it just me? Please tell me that it isn't just me.


Someone has mentioned the asking of a further depth of game play for paintball. Now yes it can be viewed a bunch of ways but the best way is that of first person in the midst of all the craziness and action. The loud noises, echoing of thwacks, panting, smell of the grass, and of course the yelling.

Feeling is just the beginning of it all. I mean I become dull in a sense. Roaring crowds become small backgrounds. Their voices don't feel as if they could pierce your mask. They stand no chance against the timer call of the ref. His call for start and checks blare out.


Instantly all the sounds burst into life. Thwacks and slams against everything in front of you. My gun raised up and my fingers roll across the trigger. It is a split second of pure reaction. I sprint forward towards the "snake" (low ground barrier designed for rapid firing, low movement, and possible game advantage). Sliding forward to the ground. forearms gripping grass as I reach the first section. Paint slams against the barrier. They think they have me bunkerred. That is a lie. I low crawl down the side to the next spot. Someone comes around the corner

Soon it is evident they know my spot. He starts to lean giving me a few shots. Tightening up in the small spot I have I peak over the edge to the field. A guy bunkerring from the "dorito," and another trying to come down the left side. I crack a line towards him as he rushes to the next bunker. One clips into his pod packs. He looks down to see the pink fill coating his pod. Raising his gun he walks out.

Now to deal with that other guy trying to sneak up on me. This time I peak to the right looking up. He was waiting and fires a few. I scream to get a position on the dorito. I need him gone for this all to come out good. This of course got me fired upon. A sharp whistle passes over my head as I hear the paintball go by. Just barely missing me. Curling up lower I lean out slightly to the left to peak. The dorito is bunkerred by my guys. Left field was covered but right was not. Further leaning to the left I roll a line into the bunker of my opponent. He slides right back into the gap trying to avoid his gun getting hit.

Swapping back I quickly turn to the right doing the same coating the bunker. Less he knows the better. He screams for cover and help. But it is just him and his bunkerred buddy. No one left to help. No one left to save them. We could either take these two guys out or rush for the flag. We have 30 seconds left to go. I have half a hopper left after the rolls I had shot to bunker him. I lean to the right again right hand holding my marker as I slide a pod from my waist out. the lid popping as I slap the top onto my hopper. Paintballs falling in and all over as some miss the fins at the top and bounce out towards the ground.

As I am doing this he tries to peak out for a second between my fires. This is where he takes the first draw on me. He shoots towards me as I am halfway done loading. I jump back to the little hole I had been hiding in. Quickly he begins to rush out as I make the split instant decision to jump over the snake into the open. Pod falling to the ground as I roll over the top. I made the right decision as my opponent had chose to rush my position. He low crawling towards where I was as I stand next to him. I slam back into the snake diving over clipping a few rounds into the back of his body. A large slam to the ground I roll again. Diving back to get into the snake again. Finding out the doritio guy had moved and spotted me. He was opening fire upon me. There was nothing I could really do from here.

Ref begins to yell for fifteen seconds left. All my adrenaline throbbing down to my feet and fingers I call a rush to the team. They rush up left side as I swap to my left hand to fire on the dorito. Just emptying all the ammo I have left in the hopper. Ducking back behind from my fire I have a chance. I slide another pod out of my back as I continue to stand up moving and loading. Scarily it was as fluid a motion as dawning my shirt. Just simple and quick. Rushing forward I run to the flag.

Ten feet.
Five feet.

I rush back as fast as I possibly can back to our start. The ref calling for the last five seconds on the clock. Sprinting I hear the balls flying past me. The dorito had nothing left to lose. He leans out shooting all he has as fast as he can. Needing the extra speed I say screw it and drop dive midair at the last two seconds.

*a loud buzzer sounds*

I slam into the ground face first sliding into our start point wall with my arm outstretched as far as possible. Soon as the buzzer sounded I had touched the wall, By touch I mean I was at max extension hoping that the fabric was touching because I couldn't feel the wall.  Ref standing there yells for a win.


All of a sudden I can hear the crowd again. They roar louder then anything as my buddies rush to me to help me up and cheer. We had made it. Just passed the qualification rounds on our first ever attempt in an actual tournament. Joy swelled up in all of us. Three of us had been left in the game including myself after it was all over. We had eliminated four of theirs before the amazing end.

Still thinking on this first tournament my fingers tingle again. I remember the sensation of sliding into the snake at the start. The fear of being bunkerred with some of those balls flying so close. It all flows deeply in my veins. Oddly enough the same feeling flows in me the start of any game now. Instant dullness and yet fully aware. It is odd to describe without ever having played the game. Such an adrenaline that you crave it again and again.

Thursday, July 3, 2014


There is a sense of thought that makes it all weird when you are told to do something but yet just stare blankly at the instructions. That is exactly me with most writing assignments. Oddly enough if I am given a decent amount of time and just the ability to write freely I do just fine. Just writing freely allows me to express the twisting words within my mind.

Simple trains of thought turn to circuses. All roads lead to a stop and yet a second glance they chance to a series of further turns and options. Why is it that a time of free thought and writing or typing turns to such a hard concept for people. Becoming a complex math equation for some and others this simple idea of a story flowing in seconds. Where is it that we fall at? Where is it that you fall at?

I simply fall into the complexity of it all. As seen the words twirl and twist without a thought to the possibility of an end. The location it will turn to and stop at, if stop at all. Structure becomes lost as ideas fall in. Philosophy comes into light. The ability to later comprehend all that random thoughts is an amazing feat in itself.

Just looking back at the words and or pictures to see a vivid depiction of the depicted before you can be seen in just as many way. None leading to the original or all to it instantly. Thus why they say it all comes to a thousand ends and yet one beginning. The flow of words twists nonstop weaving the imagery in our minds of the said, stated, and shown. Odd is it not? This is all the given information of a mind in pure boredom typing its entire train set in a given amount of time. The time just watched as the hands adjust abroad. Keys clicking at the passing of the fingers.

What is it your bored mind comes up with? What is it you think of when you shut yourself off to outer ideas, concepts, and influences?


Funny idea I saw on the class discussion about being in the bathroom. Made me laugh just reading it.

Having just stepped out and seeing two woman standing in front of me I stand in shock. Hand on my zipper frozen. What am I to do now that I have for sure been caught?

"Um, hello," she says?

"Hola, what are you two up to," I ask?

"Wondering why you are here exactly," chiming in unison.

"Well, have you ever tried to get in the men's bathroom during break after chilli day in the cafeteria?"

"I for sure can say I have not."

"Well I think I have proved my point." I say this as I at least try and be polite and wash my hands in the sink. Still being stared at I just hum a little tune as I lather my hands up.

"It will be just a minute if you don't mind," I say to them as they stare. Just seeing their face made it all the better. They had no idea what to say anymore. Strutting my way out I head back to the office with a simple three finger salute from the front of my forehead as if I were some boyscout.



You look at the past with families members and friends that are gone. It is weird how some things fade and others are as vivid as if they had just happened. I remember my grandma. She was an amazing woman all the way to the end. Though it was sad that she passed while I was away. The harder part was being told she did through a phone and not have any possible way to come back to her. No family around to support you in person. Just this feeling of being alone. I lost it that day after I had gotten that call. I about fell to the ground in the gym with my friends at just the thought of her smile. I had missed it for so long but had neglected to harbor that image in my mind until she was gone. Just such a large wave of emotions crashed over me and drown my mind. I became dull to all the guys around me. Took my buddy Jackman to smack my back to make me come back to reality. He saw something was wrong.

I just had to tell him there was a lot on my mind before I went to get my stuff. Ending that work out session a lot earlier then ever before for myself. Going to my truck I literally knew the pain of tears. The harsh cold air hit my face freezing the the tears almost instantly as I walked to the truck in the snow. Was a horrible feeling of knowing the emotions were so overwhelming as well as the cold.

This just dark deep thought now shows the joys I actually had for her. The happiness she had instilled in me. Every day I remember her smile. As said before stated her smile is, was, amazing. The feelings she taught me and my sister are there today. Even my Papa shows them. He tries to open up even more then he once did now that she is gone.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Know Your Audience

Just looking at my question about what TV show you would choose to take after shows a lot of diversity in our group. There were answers from medieval times to Drs, and even geeks in college. That is a little like what I was expecting, but reading them I was not expecting as much diversity. There was some correlation between some of them. The diversity is good though.  You then look at the question of what era you would prefer to be in. A lot of the audience wanted to be in the early '90s or back in the 1800s. Some even thinking they were born in the wrong era. Which I myself have thought that before too. It comes with the mentality of being a human. Then on the other hand you have people showing where they think they will be in ten years from now. Many include classes and degrees done, others are owning personal property. All the people in this group show a very well view of themselves while also looking forward in an abstract way to a different view of their life. Not every thought is black and white. They very and show that the group is open to their dreams and wishes with each other.

Friday, June 27, 2014


I believe everyone needs to try paintball one time in their life.

That is what I believe. Every person that has met me and held a decent conversation will see at some point paintball arrive in our topics. Normally I bring it up but there have been a number of occasions where someone else has brought it up. Just knowing the sport is one thing. Knowing what all is behind it is a completely different story. I had dug so deep into it that it is hard to look at it the same way a new player does. Having taken multiple groups out for their first times I have some aspect of their ideas of the game and what they are expecting. Seems so funny to not give them all the details and let them figure it out on their own within the very first game. Seeing joy well up in them after they continue to play is what I love. I can not think of another way to spend a warm summer day. Joy of others as well as the constant competitiveness of it all. They mouth the whole time between games but soon as they are done it is a field of friends. Friends that can either stay with you for a long while or ones for just that day. Either way a friend on or off the field is what any person should want for.

I personally think that all people need to try it. Just a simple thing. If it costs around twenty dollars a person to play how is it not many have played. Yes the fact that it is a small ball flying towards you is something completely different then if you think about it in the full aspect of the game. As I said the way I look at it is completely different from the way new people do. If only I could find a way to make it where all people can look about the same way at it.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

This I believe

I believe I am superman at times
I believe I can do no wrong in arguments
I believe I am a decent father
I believe in the service members
I believe everyone earns trust
I believe college and a job is hard
I believe I will pass this class
I believe with work I will accomplish great things
I believe spelling is not my strong suit
I believe I enjoy Poe's writings
I believe video games are amazing
I believe paintball needs more people
I believe football is better then basketball
I believe sports are great for kids
I believe I am running out of ideas here
I believe Bill Engval is so funny
I believe Robin Williams should of never done drugs
I believe Robing Williams is extremely funny
I believe I need to think more on these topics
I believe that there is supposed to be punctuation here
I believe that my list needs to be longer
I believe I will soon lose my mental capacity to choose more
I believe that I really need to work on free writing more
I believe that Dodge and Toyota are amazing trucks.
I believe my daughter is ADHD
I believe everyone needs to try paintball one time in their life

I believe trying paintball at least once in one's life is a must. It helps build up so many things within the mind and body as well as helps you get out of the norm. There are so many parts and items to choose from that at times it can get overwhelming. That is where simple research or talking with veteran players can come in handy. They can give you one sided information at times or can be amazing people full of fun and crazy ideas. I mean I was just talking with a coworker today about it all and he had filled my slot on the team when I left for the service. I even borrowed some of his gear to try out some crazy combo ideas we both had since we both loved the Axe gun from Empire. That is an amazing little gun for its price. It sends so much paint down field that I shutter at being at the other end at times. I mean having a  gun around four hundred dollars that can overwhelm even the higher end markers of around a thousand dollars. Come on that is just impressive in its own there.  Impressive in its own there. Though I can say it can have a little better of a bold for starting out and not having such a large over sized starting barrel bore. Thus why you should change it out fast. But enough of me talking about just a single gun I have proof that it makes so much of a difference in people. I watch couples all the time go to courses and just shoot the snot out of each other or others just because they were full of anger. Just to have  a small ball of paint flying at you that may or may not bruise you is way better then dishes flying or a fist coming towards you. Besides that the adrenaline starts to kick in and you start to lose all thought of everything else in the world. All that is in your mind is where is the next person at. Where is that paint coming from and why are they all ganging up on me? These pop in your head all the time but just hearing your panted breathe as you hide behind a bunker ready to pounce on an unforgiving soul is just, well breathe taking in itself. You become tense in all your senses heighten much more then they have before. You become responsive as a cat in seconds. Well most do, some are very unaware of the world around them resulting in their downfall. Those are the ones that scream when they get hit. The heart starts to pump faster as you keep moving. The sweat drips down your brow as you stare off into the distance peering to find another enemy. The feeling of being alone in the area can only be overcome by the loud TWACK of a paintball hitting the wall next to you. The sharp sounds snaps you into action. Dropping to the ground as you begin to line your shot at the enemy. Just a simple pull of the trigger and all the situations you are having in life fly away with that ball. The splat is the conclusion that you have given up on the ideas and concepts of those situations. That you have finally reached clarity in that moment of awe. You then stand up not missing a beat moving towards the next bunker ducking low as paint flies over your head. Team mates calling out orders and locations as you adjust positions. Fast transitions, fast communication, fast thoughts, and fast relief of the world as you finally hear the end buzzer and your team has won against all odds. Walking from the field patting backs and smiling knowing it will start again here very shortly.

word count of:649

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Typology and Writing

I took this series of strange questions that gave me a result of "ENFJ." This being said it described me as twenty-two percent Extravert, twenty-five percent Intuitive, twelve percent Feeling, and one percent Judging. Seems bad to say but I agree with most of these answers. The only one I think might be off a little bit is Judging. Because of my military job I tend to sit back and observe a lot of items about or around people judging them as well as sizing them up. Tends to be bad when my wife thinks I am just randomly staring at people in public places. Does make for some very interesting conversations between us as times. A few good knots on the shin as well.

Just by looking at this in real life compared to my writing styles it seems close to the same. I express a lot of my personnel feelings in my writings as well as judge all my work. Judging my work as I go is the worst. It tends to block my mental ideas on progression in the writing until that one single area is fixed to my current idea of the items concept. I may read the same paper a week later and judge it differently seeing items I need or want to change. Having seen this through just a test of strangely set up questions is odd to me. Taking the Jung Typology test was fun though. It made me think about some of the answers I had to give. Giving a simple yes or no to some questions that you would like to elaborate on your specific choice is hard when not given that chance to begin with.

Though as I had said earlier I think the judging section was a bit lacking and as my point has shown in the above it lacks in my writing as well as world. I judge my work way to much and need to break that barrier. The idea of "free writing" seems very useful in my mind.

Life, Chaos, and Love

Just a simple start to a large and possibly complex blog. Created originally for English but could spawn into something more over time if well groomed and maintained. Grooming a blog, seems a little weird giving life to just words. Words though can spawn life, chaos, and love. All huge aspects of the human way of life. A single person can start a war while another can end it.

The flow of words just ceases to stop amaze me.