Thursday, July 10, 2014

Is it just me?

Is it just me that seems to feel that if anything can go wrong it all seems to happen within the same week? Even the same day at times it seems. It can be amazing one day and then the next it is insane to no end. Just wanting to end the day and sleep hoping tomorrow will be better. Well seems that is my week.

I will spare you all the details but it was annoying for a day. The machines break the operators mess up and do the wrong parts on the wrong programs.  I mean if it could go wrong it did. Did not help at all that the shop owner was there looking around for the day due to the police coming in earlier. Yes the police were in there earlier. guess there had been a report put in that morning due to stolen metal from the shop. Yea metal that we needed to cut, mold, and paint to be shipped by the end of that day.

Just insane. Again, is it just me? Please tell me that it isn't just me.

1 comment:

  1. Austin,
    You are most definitely not the only one that has crazy days! We all have them and must go through them from time to time. Sadly, these aren't the best days. Whenever I have days like that I literally laugh to myself. Once bad things keep on happening, like you were saying, I can't help but laugh and think how ridiculous. There are some things in laugh we just can't control and it seems as though you experienced one of those days. I sure hope your days ahead are brighter and more positive! Good luck! I know that as you try to stay positive through trials, such as these, you will be happier in the end.
